Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Adelaide Swelters Through Record Heat"

"Adelaide is in the grip of its longest heatwave on record with the temperature topping 35 degrees for the ninth day in a row.

The weather bureau said the mercury rose to 37.5 degrees at 2.19pm (CDT), completing the longest hot stretch since the start of official temperature records in 1887 and beating the eight days over 35 recorded in 1934.

The scorching conditions also were set to continue into next week with the forecast for temperatures to stay in the high 30s until at least Monday.

If that is the case, Adelaide's heatwave will stretch to 15 days."

Yep, that is headline news ;-) It really is too hot to hangout outside. That is about 100 degrees F. Pretty crazy, back at Cedarville they got an extra day of "Spring Break" because of snow. I think I would rather it be too hot than too cold. Unless I go back to my days on un-air- conditioned 3rd floor Willetts (those were brutal days). But really I would rather it be too hot here than be too cold in Ohio. For one, in the cold you have to bundle up every time you go outside and then unbundle every time you go in. In the heat you just have to deal with it while outside until you get inside (most classrooms at Annesley have air-conditioning).

Anyways, I survived the big, dark, scary, empty boarding house this last weekend by myself. Really it wasn't too bad, but I hate being alone at night.

How are my classes going?? They are grrrrreat!

Today was a pretty good day, my students are learning about averages (mean) and median in maths and are continuing working on their posters on Australian Explorers (either Matthew Flinders or Burke and Wills). My year 8 girls will be continuing on with the Bayeux Tapestry

Hope all is well! G'day!
(which I am very intrigued by!). Year 8 maths will be looking at the History of Numbers (number systems of various cultures through history) and will be learning about order of operations. Which here its not PEMDAS - or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally - but rather its BEDMAS , only a slight change. Today I reviewed with my year 7s on how to work out division, only to learn that they have another method that I did not know about. Silly girls, none of them rose their hands to tell me this! Bev was able to jump in and review it the way that they are familiar with, thankfully, or else I would have a lot of lost children on my hands!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chelsie!
100! Wow.. it feels almost warm here at 52*! I'm glad to see you're doing so well. Can't wait to see all your pics and hang out with you and Ben again!
Miss you and enjoy that beautiful country!
~Jamie L. or G.

Anonymous said...

do you have any good resources that you're using for history of number systems??? let me know. glad to hear you're still doing well.